New : PhOrMeS Store!

Purchase lesson walkthrough videos to help you and your school teach PhOrMeS effectively.

Available now for FREE!

Foundation/Pre-Primary - Year 5 Word Reading & Spelling Lessons

Foundation - Year 2 Fortnightly Handwriting Lessons

Early Foundation/Pre-Primary Phonemic Awareness Resource

Beginning of F-3 Prefix & Suffix Slides

Available later in 2024

Vocabulary lessons

Further F-3 Prefix & Suffix Slides

PhOrMeS Professional Learning

In-school & online supports available in 2024.


For more information, click below.

  • PhOrMeS Word Reading & Spelling

    Teach your students to decode and spell accurately and efficiently with PhOrMeS Word Reading & Spelling.

  • PhOrMeS Foundation Phonemic Awareness

    Train your students’ phonemic awareness skills to enable them to proficiently blend and segment sounds in words; critical steps for early decoding and spelling.

  • PhOrMeS Foundation-Year 2 Fortnightly Handwriting Slides

    Have your students practice handwriting each lower and upper case letter each fortnight while working on sizing, baseline and formation at all times.

  • PhOrMeS Vocabulary (currently in development)

    Explicitly teach your students the meanings of words in our English language: a critical skill for reading comprehension

  • PhOrMeS Foundation - Year 3 Prefixes & Suffixes (Morphology)

    Teach the meanings of the most common prefixes and suffixes in the English language. Arm your students with the ability to determine word meanings and prepare them for later spelling sessions founded on Latin & Greek etymology.

  • PhOrMeS: The Full Curriculum

    Access all Word Reading & Spelling, Phonemic Awareness, Handwriting, Vocabulary & Prefix/Suffix in one place.

The complete PhOrMeS curriculum is in development and will be released as completed.

PhOrMeS will always be free to download & use!